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Pattern recognition in a sentence

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Sentence count:195Posted:2017-11-30Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: recognitionprecognitionface recognitionvoice recognitionfacial recognitionspeech recognitionbeyond recognitioncognition
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91. A key problem for the pattern recognition with Wiener filter(WF) is obtainment of apriori knowledge and reliable estimation of noise.
92. Another set uses dedicated pattern recognition routines to detect different types of hybridisation defect in replicates.
93. Pattern recognition theory is important for scientific data processing and analysis.
94. Aimed at this a preliminary study is made in this paper on subjects such as knowledge engineering, digital pattern processing, syntactic pattern recognition, etc.
95. Our pattern recognition system is set into motion every time our senses perceive something.
96. OBJECTIVES To introduce a simple chemical pattern recognition - cluster analysis in chemical classification of Chinese medicinal materials.
97. In this thesis, we use the ATD color human vision model instead of the traditional RGB color model for polychromatic pattern recognition.
98. Moreover, the design procedure of the pattern recognition is presented and the corresponding pattern classifier is established.
99. The construction of the model is similar to the construction of the pattern in syntactic pattern recognition.
100. A new method of insects' computer automatic classification based on voice pattern recognition technology is presented.
101. The technology of biologic pattern recognition has become more and more important in the world.
102. Conclusion Fuzzy relative entropy method is more significant for fuzzy pattern recognition.
103. The fuzzy measure and compatibility of fuzzy sets of type O have importantapplied values in fuzzy reasoning and fuzzy pattern recognition.
104. As the developing of the computer technology, voice pattern recognition technology basing on acoustic signal processing grows fast in recent years.
105. Experimental results demonstrate that it is possible to achieve the rotation-invariance pattern recognition in registration mark with the proposed method.
106. In this dissertation, first, we built the Pattern Recognition logic diagnoses model of BF wall temperature and temperature-changing.
107. Fuzzy mathematics on theory of fuzzy cluster, fuzzy pattern recognition and fuzzy decision is developed.
108. The problem of Chinese handwritten character recognition by computer is thought of one of the most difficult problems in the field of pattern recognition.
109. Map pattern recognition is an important research direction in mapping automation now. Recognizing map information automatically from scanning map by computer carves out a new way for map digital.
110. The classifier design is a key step for pattern recognition systems.
111. The structure of fuzzy pattern recognition system, its design and implementation are emphasized with an example.
112. Finally, with the technique of parsing and the automaton pattern recognition in the syntactic pattern recognition[], the classification of braided drainage is carried out.
113. Biological Immune is a highly complexity and self-adaptive system with capability of learning, memory acquisition, pattern recognition and so on.
114. The nature of automation target recognition is pattern recognition, and feature extraction is an important part of pattern recognition system, which is a powerful guarantee of correct classification.
115. The paper applies the method of language pattern recognition to identify language recognition model of isosceles triangle.
116. Using ultramarine pigment, experiments of surface modification were done by microcapsulizing. The Surface shape of particles was distinguished by the technique of pattern recognition on a computer.
117. As a mode of expression of knowledge the syntactic pattern recognition is included in the pr...
118. In this paper, a syntactic pattern recognition method of the detection of pulse wave's characteristic information is introduced.
119. Star pattern recognition is the key problem of satellite position determination from start sensor.
120. The critical threshold in the model calibrated using the linear discriminant function in the pattern recognition.
More similar words: recognitionprecognitionface recognitionvoice recognitionfacial recognitionspeech recognitionbeyond recognitioncognitionunrecognizedunrecognizableunrecognisablecognitiverecogniserecognizerecognisedrecognizedcognitivelyrecognizablerecognizablyrecognisablerecognizanceterra incognitacognitive psychologycognitive neurosciencepatternincognitopatternedpatterningignitiondecomposition reaction
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